Where is My Stuff ?

by Wil Corp. Software


1.73 usd

Don’t you ever ask yourself where you have put that thing you just can’t find ?You’d like to better organize your move in order to know exactly what is in your different boxes?
You’d like to carry out an inventory of your home or apartment to be rented out ?
It allows you to carry out the inventory of your things by use of 4 different feature to define your container :• Category: house, relocation,…• Container type: box, draw, cupboard,…• Place: Kitchen, garage, basement,…• Container name: N°1, top,…
Option :• Password.• Modular feature search.• Your inventories may be sent by html file and by email.
NOW it will be impossible to lose your stuff !
IMPORTANT :Bugs, Questions, problems SEND AN EMAIL to [email protected]
tag : Trasloco, articoli di magazzino, organizzazione, garage, cantina, soffitta